(ecriture automatique // Samstag, 17. September 2011, 12:12)

You catholics are a bunch of slaves,your inventions like cell phones are created by atheist cientist hypocrits i command you to dont paying taxes for fuckers policemans thaa her wifes while they are working the atheist are fucking the wifes,kill the pope jajaja? your delirious of ezquizofrenia is being to much long like my Larry Flynt is protectingting us from the bunch of drugadicts i want someone who sell helmets and gas to the protestesters,leave alone the kids that they inventing atheist schools like Terroja Sinclair the anmazing atheist they have the guns but we have the numbers¡ gonna win take it over,oh by the way is prohibited to put those bitches religius statutues in the police departments so stop breaking the law assholes even the guns were made by atheist people lets take all his money they are not paying taxes and the tax people a¡will be in jail soon because that was our plan

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