03 - circuit

(zero degrees // Samstag, 2. April 2005, 20:05)

• noun 1 a roughly circular line, route, or movement. 2 Brit. a track used for motor racing. 3 a system of conductors and components forming a complete path for an electric current. 4 an established series of sporting events or entertainments. 5 a series of physical exercises performed in one training session. 6 (in the UK) a regular journey by a judge around a district to hear court cases.

• verb move all the way around.

ORIGIN Latin circuitus, from circumire ‘go round’.



short circuit

• noun an electrical circuit of lower than usual resistance, especially one formed unintentionally.

• verb (short-circuit) 1 cause or suffer a short circuit. 2 shorten (a process or activity) by using a more direct but irregular method.


• noun a minute electric circuit, especially an integrated circuit.

integrated circuit

• noun an electronic circuit on a small piece of semiconducting material, performing the same function as a larger circuit of discrete components.


• noun an automatic safety device for stopping the flow of current in an electric circuit.

(quellen 1, 2, 3, 4)

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