(ecriture automatique // Samstag, 1. August 2009, 10:56)

III. But one of the Naturall Lawes deriv'd from this fundamentall The first special one is this, That the right of all men, to all things, ought not to be Law ofNature is, That our Rights retain'd, but that some certain rights ought to be trans/err'd, or to all things ought relinquisht: for if everyone should retain his right to all things, it not to be retain'd. must necessarily follow, that some by right might invade; and others, [Elements XV. 2. by the same right, might defend themselves against them, (for every Leviathan XIV. 5.] man, by naturall necessity, endeavours to defend his Body, and the things which he judgeth necessary towards the protection of his Body) .therefore War would follow. He therefore acts against the reason of Peace, (i.e.) against the Law of Nature, whosoever he be, that doth not part with his Right to all things.

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